

Mierka Donauhafen Krems was certified as the first company in this industry on the Danube in 1997. The certification practice is being continuously developed and the QMS (Quality Management System) is permanently checked against our clients needs.

For more information please contact our Quality Manager.

The Rhenus Donauhafen Krems fire brigade has been on standby for the safety of the Donauhafen Krems since 1992.

20 members (loaders, crane drivers....), are well trained in fire control and fire prevention and fire fighting, and are continuously trained with periodic exercises.

Our maintenance manager Thomas Biczo takes care of the on-going operation maintenance of all the equipment in the Donauhafen Krems.

His team of electricians, mechanics and locksmiths develop individual solutions for special customer requirements, look after the ongoing maintenance and repair of our equipment parks and find quick solutions to operational problems.

The Donauhafen Krems offers his customer a safe handling- and storage place.

The north quay of the Donauhafen Krems was already brought into line with the RHHW standards (highest flood level), and is therefore flood safe.

The city of Krems is building a flood protection gate in 2004 to protect other areas of operation at the Donauhafen Krems against catastrophic flooding.